10.13.03 :: 10:04 am

Yet another ridiculous and pointless argument to add to the ongoing saga that is the only often troubling male/female friendship in my life.

I meet and talk to a guy in a bar and decide to move it to a more private location and yes, you guessed it, Eric gets all up in fucking arms.

I have realized that in his twisted little mind, he thinks that we're dating, he and I.

Therefore, he feels betrayed and/or crushed when I talk to or hook up with anyone else, even though he and I haven't been romantically involved in ages.

He berated me publicly at a party the next night, accusing me of fucking the dude and passive-aggressively saying that I should not have left the bar that night because a mutual friend from out of town was here and that I should be spending all my time with him.

"No," I replied as calmly as possible. "Don't make this about anyone else. This is all about you. Nobody else but you minded that I left the bar."

And thus the deluge of verbal attacks.

We are not boyfriend and girlfriend. And yet he treats this "friendship" as such.

"What exactly are you angry about?" I asked.

"You left with some guy without saying goodbye to me!"

Uh..? Who cares? Maybe I'm insensitive and cold, but I don't really see the problem. It's not like he and I had arrived together and none of our other friends were there.

I did not strand him at the bar alone. And it's not like I embarked on a five year journey without telling him. I went down the street.

Listen. I am not a total insensitive cow. I understand that his feelings are hurt, but this is dating. I'm dating. And if he can't handle it, he needs to stop being my friend for however long it takes.

Because I can't stand it one second more.

All I know is that he better have every intention of giving me back the MST3K tape I let him borrow.

That is all I know.

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