10.10.07 :: 10:12 am

day 70 and my cycle FINALLY ends dear jesus and thank you, science, for the drug that gave me a period today.

So this means I start the babymaking drugs this weekend, probably.
And away we go on this lunatic adventure.

In work-related news, they moved us out of our cozy little office and onto this makeshift loft-type area with no air conditioning, no windows, and a flimsy, rickety railing keeping me and a 30 foot drop apart.
It is most definitely a health & safety hazard all around.
I mean if I were to call the fire department to come inspect this rinky-dink job they did on construction, I'm sure they would shut this place down.

I am now really concerned about my chances of survival when an earthquake hits.

I hope if I somehow crawl out of here alive, I can sue for millions.

So there's that.

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