2001-05-31 :: 10:18 a.m.

I just inhaled two croissants. One chocolate, one ham and cheese. I am delightfully disgusting and I love it.

I like that there is a rad chick I know to go to shows with. Rockin, kickass shows like RFTC. Again! Can't. Wait.

After work, I'm picking up my Alan Partridge tapes that have been converted and spending six episodes in stitches. I really need to laugh today. I'm kinda moody because of Ruth. Ruth = period. I don't know why I just called it Ruth, that name just came to me suddenly. Ruth. Ha ha.

I hope I get visitors to the cafe this weekend. That would be sweet.

I need to find motivation, dear god, to deal with all this artwork. Where can I find it? What's my incentive, again?

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