02.28.03 :: 1:00 pm

An ex-biker who enjoys heavy metal and poker and drinking?

Hell yes, be our roommate!

I hope he decides he wants to live with us.

He comes with a fully stocked bar, a home theater surround sound system mamajamma, a motorcycle, and a scorching hate for the President.

I mean, COME ON!

In other news, The Boy and I could only get through 1 hour and 42 minutes of the first "Lord of the Rings" before falling into a deep REM sleep.

The verdict? Very beautiful, but very fucking boring.

My bikini that I bought on sale came in the mail last night and I'm going to toot my own horn for a second here, but... I have really nice boobs.

Now back to proofing the 77 shade names of a lipstick only bought by women over the age of 60.

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