03.22.04 :: 10:25 am

It's killing me. Just come back and get it over with.

I am not naive enough to think that a weekend alone in the woods has enlightened him to the point of realizing he is making a huge mistake and will therefore appear on my doorstep later this evening with a bouquet of flowers and a sheepish smile and a tear in his eye and love in his heart.

This is the reality check portion of this episode in my life.

Somewhere, someone's got to be tallying up the karmic debt I owe.

In the one, single fortunate turn of events, I didn't go to a party with my roommate that was also attended by Mark, he of the buddhist nature and flighty mindset. One immensely awkward evening narrowly escaped.

Thank God for small favors.

Also, thank God for friends like Ruby and her Downstairs Neighbor Boy, and Em and her man. Because not only did they get me loaded on Friday night (was it Friday? The days have melded...), but they didn't mind it when I spontaneously cried on their shoulders.

It's comforting to know we've all sat in the same leaking boat.

And, I'm reminded of a Magnetic Fields line in this, my time of owiness in the chest cavity region:

"You have become like other men
But let me kiss you once again
You have the sun, I have the moon."

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