03.08.04 :: 9:26 am

When the cat's away, as they say. I drank up a storm at a party on Saturday night with Ruby, the intake of which my body has yet to witness.

It was pretty bad. I drunkdialed Mr. M in Vermont and luckily he had turned the phone off because I left some kind of rambling message replete with "I miss you's" and oh my God the embarrassment.

Fortunately, when he invited me over last night, it wasn't to tell me he was breaking up with me because I am a drunk.

We had a lovely evening of movie watching and hummus eating and nookie making and this morning he said "I'm falling for you in a big way."

I can't put into words what this does to my very soul, so instead, I'll talk about how it was also Stooshdog's eighth birthday this weekend and even though she had no clue that I rescued her five years ago, she was extremely pleased with her surprise beef jerky and carob cookie treats.

Happy birthday, little rescue bundle. I love you more than you even know.

And Mr. M and I are taking you camping next weekend to release your inner wolf.

grrr, baby.

Man, I'm still drunk.

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