01.28.03 :: 2:23 pm

I'm visualizing positive cash flow in the form of IRS checks, so that I may pay some pesky bills and also get my ass to the tropics.

It's almost February, which means it's practically Spring, which means fuck you Arctic Blast!

Went to see "Darkness Falls" last night and I just want to know who's idea it was to Phantom of the Opera-ize the allegedly scary "mmonster" of the movie. In other words, what's with the porcelain mask, yo?

Project Drop Five Pounds Gained While Being Piggish Over the Holidays is in full effect, with the exception of last night's complete lack of self control at Arby's.

But I'm back on track, folks. Grazing on the greens and guzzling my weight in water.

If I can trick myself to inadvertently exercise, we'd be on a roll.

Mmmm... rolls....

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