02.26.03 :: 10:07 am

Woke up from the most cinematic dream to date.

About a burned copy of "The Real World New York" on DVD and the words "Sept. 6, 2001" written in green marker across it.

I popped it into the DVD player and all of a sudden, I was back in time, on September 6, 2001.

Walk down 5th Avenue, by Washington Square Park to meet my mom for dinner and there's the World Trade Center. Both towers standing there like nothing ever happened.

Of course I panic, realizing I have five days to inform the government, the NYPD, the FDNY, and all New Yorkers of the impending doom.

So I locate a Port Authority worker eating in a diner and I grab him and I say, "Listen, I understand this may sound completely irrational and insane, but in five days, the World Trade Center is going to collapse in an attack. We have to do something."

And he looks at me and says, "Now you know that's a fucked up thing to say considering we lost the Golden Gate Bridge yesterday."

I was mortified, but I papered the city with fliers, millions of copies of white sheets warning everyone to stay away from the financial district on September 11th.

Confetti'd the entire island of Manhattan until I was exhausted from crying and walking for days.

And on September 11th, nothing happened.

8:45 am came and went and the towers still stood.

That's when I woke up.

Hello, unresolved issues. Have a seat.

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