04.11.05 :: 10:15 am

the answer to: why am I missing $2,000 from my checking account? is: because some asshat in human resources cancelled my direct deposit and therefore I've been sitting on live checks for the past three weeks.

oh. ok then.

other than that, what a fabulous, fun weekend.
I did absolutely nothing but cook delicious food and drink delicious wine with my manlove.

On Saturday, in the glorious sunshine, we sat in the park with Stoosh, drinking iced coffees and watching the jamaicans play a really lively and exciting game of soccer.

today, i'm testing the final two puffdaddy fragrances on them ne in this office and so far so good except the old, menopausal lady who sits next to me has ordered me not to spray that stuff around her because "there's no air movement in here" and she can "taste" the fragrance.

So of course, I will oblige her. And later, I will douse her chair with both fragrances.

This week, it is fianlly time to clean up the back deck. String up new flowers and lights, sweep and buy new citronella candles.
Summer's peeking round the corner.

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