12.04.06 :: 9:42 am

After the gym yesterday, I ran into the Professor on my way to buying dog food.

Actually, �ran into� is not the right phrase because he was talking on the phone and we only acknowledged each other with a smile and a �hi!� and I didn�t stop to talk to him and he didn�t hang up to talk to me.

Still, he looked pretty good, I must say. Not nearly as cracked out as last time.
But he was outside of a bar, so he was probably of course drunk and it was 3:30 in the afternoon. Bullet: dodged.

I�m just glad I don�t have to give a shit about how ratty and sweaty I looked.

Last night, Ryan made tagliatelle and a fresh tuna ragu from scratch.
I cried, it was so good.

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