2001-05-17 :: 11:36 a.m.

So my computer saga hopefully ends here and today because I'm picking it up from TekServe at 5 and hopefully, when I test it out, all my stuff is still on the hard drive and that will be that and like Johnson's Baby Shampoo, no more tears.

And then I will smother Tobias in hugs against my bosom.

It's been looking like rain all day and last night I smelled it. I hope my weekend doesn't get rained out. I got some picnicking to get done.

I can't even start with what's really on my mind today so I'll ignore it and hope it just goes away.

I know. Shut up.

I don't know how I got roped into bowling tomorrow night with the 'Nuns, but whatever, if my friend Booze is there, then I'll be there.

And then Tallboy's housewarming party on Saturday. I just can't figure him out. I will stop bothering. He's beautiful and he's smart and he treats me like the goddess that I am, but he's so sitting on the fence that I worry about his pants.

RSE leaves next week and I hope he has a good tour. But I also hope that his girlfriend drives him nuts. I am very yin and yang. I have the good thoughts and then I bust out all evil-mind-style.

If we were to ever work things out, I wonder if I will ever get over what he did to me last time he was on tour. I wonder if every time he gets ready for a long tour will I get all paranoid and freaked. I want to be the kind of person who can rise above that bullshit and forgive and let it go. But I can't right now. Luckily, I don't think I'm supposed to just yet.

Dammit is it lunch?

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