2001-05-20 :: 2:26 p.m.

Do we see your exit? Do you have an out yet?

All in all a good Saturday but realize that I no longer remember what I do anymore; attribute it to events blending because of their similarity. And I will watch Carmela blow a gasket at Tony (probably) tonight, and Gloria blow her brains out (probably), but not before she wreaks some havoc on the Soprano household, and who cares about Meadow's shit anymore, that little lady is bratty brattycakes, and for the love of all that is holy, someone give me a gun to get rid of Jackie, Jr. in case Ralphie chickens out, which, personally, I think is doubtful. What I would like is company in witnessing these events.

I'm feeling a bit of the ol' missing-missing-you, mister, I don't suppose there's any way to fix that. Earliest relief, June? Wishful maybe.

I see you, though, loud and clear, all up in this headspace. You get me where I live. Do we see your exit yet?

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