2001-05-16 :: 9:21 a.m.

I'm early today. This is news.

That fucker Sleepy Steve 2 hasn't called Ruby back yet and I'm starting to get riled. Me and her, we were on the phone last night for a while, around midnight, talking about guys and why we think we scare them off.

We did not come to any solid conclusion.

Tallboy confuses me. He writes me an email at 7 PM and then calls me an hour later telling me the exact same stuff that was in the email. This can be seen as endearing, I suppose. But I wasn't so endeared to him last night when he said that if he was seeing another girl, he wouldn't tell me. "Don't ask don't tell" policy, like the army. So then he doesn't get to find out that RSE was with me last night, or that I went on a useless date last night.

Yeah, useless date. It's been said that if you want to see how a guy will potentially treat you in the long run, you should observe how he treats waitresses in restaurants. And this guy apparently never learned the words "please" and "thank you." I was going into overdrive, trying to make up for his lack of manners, by saying please and thank you every other second.

Anyway. Whatever. And he didn't offer to pay. I reached for the check and he let me. He. Let. Me. Fuck you, buddy. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm a bitchin woman of the 21st century, and I'd be more than happy to pay for my date, but come on! The least he could do was make some kind of effort to pretend like he was going to chip in.

God. The men in this city... I swear to fucking God. Some days I wonder why I bother.

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