05.23.05 :: 11:12 am

it was so beautiful, leaning into the air as we zipped down the 2 mile-long downhill section of the park's bike loop.
it was this weekend's moment of zen.

because everything came crashing down around me when i took the stoosh-dog out for her morning walk and she was shaking, whimpering, and peeing blood.

she's at the vet.
the vet thinks she may have eaten rat poison.

my baby! no!

but it could also be bladder stones.

and i feel so fuckimng guilty because last night she kept waking up evrey hour and I thought she was just being naughty and annoying when in reality she was in pain.

I am a bad pet owner. I love how I think I can raise a child.

God I hope she's okay. I'm so not ready to lose her.

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