06.27.04 :: 11:15 pm

Friday through tonight was solid good stuff.

Hung out at a bar on Friday night, me and Moo, with Ruby and her FB. Moo got hit on by a girl in a red dress while he was smoking outside, and I thought it was cute.

Saturday, we went to the country and saw a dead deer on the train tracks. That was about it.

Moo went record shopping and then I found the most adorable brown tooled leather purse and a set of 1950's yellow bowls at an antique store.

Much drinking and much nookie making later, it was Sunday.

And we went to the beach and listened to good music and played backgammon.

Later we went to Lemur's house for a barbecue where we consumed more bratwurst than previously thought possible. I'm disgusted with myself and yet satisfied.

It's been another stellar weekend. Every day, Moo becomes more endearing. I think today it was an offhand remark about Dungeons and Dragons that did it.

I don't know. I'm happy. It's such a simple thing, and yet it was so difficult to find.

Off to bed now. Time to prepare for another long week of work.

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