05.03.04 :: 9:53 am

102 pictures later and we're back.

I realized on the drive back from Providence that I am insanely lucky. Because this weekend could have been a disaster (see: a party full of people I didn't know, save for The Good Lay, and we've only been seeing each other a couple of weeks).

But it was a fantastic time. We drank and danced and raced down an enormous hallway at a party in an artist's warehouse space sitting cross-legged in desk chairs.

I saw the most brilliant art I had seen in a long time, courtesy of the hostess who put us up for the weekend.

I can't even describe it, I'll just post the pictures when I get home tonight.

And as far as The Good Lay goes, he is a Very Good Lay and also a Quite Entertaining Travel Companion.

I feel strange. Because we're now connected by inside jokes and maps and introductions and hours and hours of endless highway stretches and conversations spanning that highway...and I'm trying to keep him as just The Good Lay.

I caught a feeling around 1:30 am on Sunday and I will now spend the rest of the week trying to rid myself of it.

Wait for pictures. Some of them stunned me.

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