07.15.04 :: 9:05 am

I'm not as upset at life as I was yesterday.

I don't know. I just got t othinking that the worse that can happen to me - the absolute worst case scenario - is a week of discomfort and pain.

And, in the grand scheme of things, I've handled it before and it didn't kill me, and there are far worse things in life.

So a few days of puking and peeing fire and glass. Big deal.

If anything, it's a blessing in disguise. I'm sure I'll rack up the sympathy points with Moo and I'll have a personal assistant/cabana boy for the week. Getting waited on hand and foot doesn't sound like a death sentence to me.

Fuck, man. I'm so much stronger than this cervical damage business. And you know what else? I'm so goddamned fucking Wonder Woman strong, I bet that not only will I have this thing licked in no time, but I'm gonna have babies to boot. A ton of them.

So yeah. Fuck you. You don't own me.

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