05.24.05 :: 12:49 pm

"wow" is all i can muster to try and give voice to the amount of work that i have to do within the next two weeks.

just wow.

all i know is that i better be front and center at the launch party, p. diddy. that is all i know. with hugs and cristal and a shopping spree.

this week, ryan and i are making a very grown up purchase together: a barbecue grill.

nothing fancy, just something to enter various meats into various levels of deliciosity this summer on my deck.

and his sister's coming this weekend to visit, so we're having a small bbq fiesta.

i'm in the mood for black bean salad and fried chicken.

in stoosh-dog related news, she's not sleeping through the night, but she's not peeing as much blood as yesterday.
i'm still sad about it.

such is the cycle of life, i suppose.

yesterday, i saw a really kickass shirt in this boutique by ryan's house and i almost bought it but then decided not to because $130 is RIDICULOUS but then I'm thinking, you know what?
I got a fucking pay raise.
I pay all my bills on time.
And I can pay cash.
So I'm gonna.
Next week.

and now: a meeting about tester units.
the riveting life of a creative operations slave

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