07.26.04 :: 9:26 am

Honestly? There is something severely wrong with me.

I just had what was probably the best weekend of my entire life and this has in turn freaked me out beyond belief.

I am sitting here, just waiting for the other shoe to drop. Like an asshole. Why am I such an asshole?

Anyway. Excluding the hostess herself, Moo and I definitely had the best time at Ruby's party. We danced, we slow-danced, we got completely bombed out of our skulls, and I woke up in a cab at some point and then proceeded to have a formidable blackout.

It had been ages since I partied like a rockstar and it was well worth the wait.

Yesterday, Moo installed OS X on my Mac and proceeded to fuck the machine up good and proper. He apologized profusely, is now spending an hour and a half finding the fix for it online, and has promised to buy me a pretty pretty dress after work today for Emily's wedding in September.

So I guess some good did come out of it.

Speaking of weddings, I'm excited to be spending the night at the Marriott with Moo because post-wedding/hotel sex seems really fun. I'm twelve. Hi.

And, in vacation news, my mother just returned from her two weeks in Greece where the traffic and the chaos of the impending Olympics has reached critical mass and this makes me nervous as all get out to fly in August.

But she said it's a controlled chaos. Which I guess is good. And the weather, she reported, is "courtesy of the Gods," it's so beautiful.

I plan on roasting myself to within an inch of my life to make up for the past three years of not taking a vacation.

Yes. Three years. I haven't gone anywhere for an extended period of time in three years. Check the archives if you don't believe me. It's aaaaaall there, documented in sarcastic, weary tones.

Man. It's Monday. You know when you walk into work after a weekend of complete debauchery and you just have no idea what your job is? That's me. Right now. I'm looking at this shit on my desk and I'm like, "whuh...?"

I guess I better go ask someone what it is that I do here before things start getting really ridiculous.

I'm full of coffee and pee. Onward.

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