2001-07-11 :: 12:53 p.m.

I'm kind of glad I'm able to stick up for myself, when I know I have to. I can also keep quiet and be a lady, when I know I have to.

Sundaygirl and Sharon Taint. Hand in hand, always.

I know I can't be a temp forever. I know that. And everything I want to do has to be put on the back burner until I start making real money and until I'm not swimming under the weight of my credit card. Everything I want to do has to wait.

Do you know that I hate waiting?

Where are the screws for the dog's fucking crate?

My Boy and I, we deserve the vacation coming to us. Leave all the bullshit behind for one week.

It's been almost a week since I've hung out with my Nuns, and I'm feeling the shakes. And I'm going through withdrawal. And I need some hipshakin bootynation happenin' soon.

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