10.06.03 :: 7:44 pm

If spending $84 on fifteen Mystery Science Theater 3000 episodes is wrong, I never ever want to be right.

It's Fall. And that means I'm going to be drinking hot cocoa in bed under flannel blankies watching the hell out of MST3K.

I am hibernating for a month, men-wise.

Friday I have an appointment to do something about the condition of my idiot hairdo. It's getting fixed so I can wear it down again, and it's getting colored. I am 28 and I am going grey.

I don't even know why I'm about to unload my bank account on this entire process since I've been feeling like I don't have anyone to impress, but I have to keep up some kind of appearance, I suppose.

I'm going to walk the dog, smoke a cigarette, and think about my contingency plan for if Mark returns and decides he's no longer interested.

Talk about your jaded, bitter cynicism, huh?

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