04.02.10 :: 3:57 pm

Well, it only took 19 months but I now join the ranks of the gainfully employed.

Cue the choir Hallelujah'ing in the background.

The kind lady at the placement agency called me and told me that they looked at hundreds of resumes but only wanted to see me, which seems ... scary.
Fortunately, they loved me.

She didn't think I would get the job, either. Not because I'm not qualified, but because they'd been looking to hire someone for ages and just didn't like any of the resumes they saw.



Anyway, it's pretty much the same exact job I had a thousand years ago at Estee Lauder.
So hopefully it won't be too difficult to jump back into it.

The only problem now is finding Oliver daycare or a nanny three days a week.

This is going to be the challenge. Almost 2 years of unemployment? a cakewalk comparatively.

Also in good news: This city has positively exploded in greenery and flowerbombs. Springtime in New York is fucking breathtaking.
I love this town.
Again and again.

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