07.18.08 :: 9:46 am

settling into a routine, slowly.

marred only by periods of EXTREME FUSSINESS by the Fussmeister General Oliver, who becomes agitated by gas and cries inconsolably until I hold him near a running tap.
Who knew.

Last night's long stretch of uninterrupted sleep was brought to a screeching halt because Stoosh-dog took it upon herself to puke and have the runs all over the apartment.
Ryan, the trooper that he is always, cleaned up the messes and mopped the floors and then took her to the vet this morning.

It's funny when your dog is more high maintenance than your 10 day old infant.
Replace "funny" with "ridiculous"

Incision continues to bleed. Told this was normal but I'd like to return to the normal that doesn't include heaping piles of gauze and Always Maxi's with wings.

Did lose 24 pounds however, just by birthing the boy. 15 more to go!
Happily, my face resembles my own again.
I see cheekbones! Hi! There you are!

Off to find out where my disability check is and what the fucking hold up is on my funds.

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