2001-05-07 :: 1:20 p.m.

Someone as effervescent as you should really be careful 'cause I'm prone to baby-cravings and your genes spliced with mine would make a stunning little monster. I'm just sayin. Watch where you put your shoes.

In other not-so-athletic news, I'm kinda sad Ruby won't be able to make it to Movie Night at Tallboy's house 'cause she has to proofread a really bad manuscript and she's crying right now because it's 2,593 pages and she's on page 4. Deadline: tomorrow.

We do it up classy style for her ConvoKAYshun this weekend. That and a prom-themed party on Saturday should prove interesting, and booze-tinged. Boys have to bring corsages. Spiked punch. I think that is fucking hilarious. Corsages. Spiked punch. I'm twelve.

Speaking of twelve, "Little Darlings" is a really fucked up movie. I mean, besides the fact that Miranda from Sex and the City is in it, all blond and baby-faced and little. But the premise is just ...yeeesh. All these young'uns betting who'll lose their virginity first at sleepaway camp... Kristy MacNichol, though. She delivers those tears like she means them. I was totally sucked in. I'm a dork.

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